The third trimester is a whirlwind of ups and downs, from my experience. From the increase in excitement that the final trimester (whilst pregnant) is finally here, to the overwhelming worry whether you’ve got everything prepared: your hospital bag, birth plan, baby essentials and everything else that’s to come…labour.
The first trimester was tough due to fatigue and sickness, the second trimester was a breeze, but the third trimester has been the toughest out of the three…but something tells me the fourth trimester will be a lot worse.
The 3rd trimester has thrown a lot my way – the continued pelvic girdle pain which only got worse as each week went by. By the end of it I was struggling to stand long enough to even attempt cooking tea, I could no longer walk more than 15 minutes, and every little movement from turning in bed to standing from sitting, was painful.
Then there’s the exhaustion. If you read any of my pregnancy diary updates you’ll know I endured pregnancy-induced insomnia most of my pregnancy, especially the second half. So that, mixed with hormonal fatigue caused a lot of tiredness and some days I could barely keep my eyes open.
Lastly, there’s the constant worry over movements. I was in triage three times during the third trimester for reduced movements and a growth scan at 37 weeks pregnant. Although everything was absolutely fine, there’s just constant worry over everything, especially as your midwife appointments become more regular and you’re grilled about these things (or so I felt).
Overall, my third trimester recap feels more like a rant to complain about everything. I’m 39 weeks today, so here’s hoping our little sticky bean doesn’t keep us waiting too long…