36 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
Still none.
I’ve cracked the code! I finished work at the beginning of week 36 which meant later evenings. I found that the later I went to bed, the better sleep I got and I was able to lie-in for longer, despite the numerous bathroom trips in the night – they never made me struggle to get back to sleep! So most nights I’ve been going to bed around 1-2am and getting up past 9am – it’s been bliss!
Best moment this week?
Well, it’s been Christmas so a lovely Christmas week with my husband, Christmas Day with my in-laws, and also had my 36 week midwife appointment which showed the baby is still on track with her growth rate (75th centile), head down and strong heartbeat.
I’m feeling most movements in my ribs now as well as in my cervix – like a scratching and pinching feeling. It’s slightly painful, like a sharp pain that goes as quick as it comes.
Just continuing to suffer with pelvic girdle pain. I can tell she has moved further down and is engaged as I feel everything in my pelvis and going from lying to sitting or sitting to standing is painful – it’s made my eyes water a few times!
Wedding rings on or off?
On, but my fingers have definitely gotten a bit fatter as I struggle to take the rings off now.
Overall, good now I’ve had some consistent nights of great sleep – makes so much difference! Even on nights where sleep wasn’t so great, I just felt more well rested in general. However, the pelvic girdle pain is what’s putting me down from time to time, but we’re so close to d-day!
Looking forward to?
Finalising everything in the house for baby’s arrival – packing the final bits in the hospital bags, putting all her clothes away and tidying the nursery. Also the 38 week appointment next week.