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31 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Diary

31 weeks pregnant + 6 days

Stretch marks?

Still none!


Mainly terrible, with some days starting work at 6.30am simply because I was up already. But over the weekend I actually had decent sleep followed by a good nap to keep me going, so feeling more refreshed this week to be honest.

Best moment this week?

I did my birth plan on Thursday which was nice to tick off, and the baby’s growth rate is normal – it’s down a little compared to when I was 28 weeks pregnant, but not anything of concern – just marks a normal growth rate now!

Food cravings?

Doughnuts. Fortunately it didn’t go on as long as the flapjack craving, as within 24 hours I was able to buy a caramel custard doughnut from Greggs and I felt MUCH better. 


Increased hunger – I’m constantly snacking and when I’m not, I’m thinking about what my next snack will be: flapjacks, Alpen cereal bar, apple slices and peanut butter, or even going back to my toasted bagel days from very early pregnancy around 7 weeks pregnant!

Trapped nerves – I don’t know if this is a trapped nerve or carpal tunnel, but my left arm is suffering. It’s mainly when trying to sleep given I’m of course on my left side, or whether it’s something else, but it’s definitely something I’ve read a few women suffer with in the third trimester. 

Breathlessness – it really doesn’t take much these days to make me a little short of breath.

Heartburn – this is so uncomfortable and has fast become a daily symptom. Fortunately it goes as quick as it comes, in most cases.

Wedding rings on or off?



Overall, good!

Looking forward to?

Maternity leave. I work in eCommerce so this time of year is always crazy busy, but coupled with the third trimester and increased exhaustion thanks to pregnancy insomnia, it’s making me want to finish work far sooner than planned. I’m just ready to log off and enjoy, hopefully, a couple weeks of ‘me’ time before Sticky Bean arrives to really help me relax and get ready for her arrival.

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