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Q&A With Megsmakes95 | Handmade Ooak Clay Jewellery (with 10% off!)

First off, I love jewellery: earrings, rings and necklaces – you name it, I’ll wear it. I came across Megsmakes95’s channel and, after chatting with Megan (the owner) via Instagram, I decided to do a mini interview with her. We were chatting about which products we each liked from her range of ooak clay jewellery. I was sharing content ideas with her, and then it popped into my head, “what about a Q&A?”. Now we’re here!

Keep on scrolling to find your 10% off code to enjoy on your new, favourite jewellery piece!

pair of white and blue hanging earrings with gold hardware and a pearl stud, finished off with a tarot reading print, laid on some cloth
The Empress Tarot Card earrings by Megsmakes95

Interview with Megan Johnson – owner of ooak clay jewellery brand, Megsmakes95

Not to sound like a nerve-wracking job interview, but tell us a little about yourself!

Hi I’m meg, I have always been a creative person and come from a creative family. My mum makes things and did fine art at college, my dad was a photographer until a few years ago (still does it in his free time), my granda who has been a farmer his whole life retired and started making pieces out of wood, and my aunt makes a bit of everything, like me! I also love reading, being out in nature, spirituality and traveling. A lot of my inspiration comes from these. My favourite city is Budapest, and favourite food is cheese. My music taste is broad, ranging from a lot of 80s to Taylor swift, ashnikp and Miley Cyrus. I’ve got a few mental health issues but don’t we all? I’ve also got a Cyclops 3 legged cat called rhubarb! 

When was your brand, Megmakes95, born?

Megsmakes95 was born in June of 2020, in the midst of the pandemic

How did creating handmade jewellery start?

It all began in the first UK lockdown. I spent 2 months reading all day, every day. After 30 books, my mum decided enough was enough and I needed to do something productive (not that reading isn’t productive) and got me to try many things. Crocheting made me break down in tears, because I’m dramatic. Knitting is fun but not for me. Usually I would paint or draw, but I needed something more physical, so she suggested having a play with clay, and bam! The rest, as they say, is history! I’ve always loved handmade jewellery and being able to make my own is just amazing! 

Who makes up the Megsmakes95 team (pets included)?

Me, CEO, boss lady, marketing manager, photographer, sales executive. Rhubarb the cat, my little shining light and ball of love. My mum, expert brew maker and critic. And lastly, my supportive friends and followers, without whom I wouldn’t be here 

Why did you choose ooak polymer clay as your medium?

As said prior, it was chosen after many failed attempts at other things. I dabble in embroidery, but polymer clay is a much more effective and efficient medium for what I want to do. There are endless possibilities with it and I enjoy learning as I go.

Where do you get your inspiration from when creating new designs?

Mostly designs just pop into my mind or appear when I’m just playing around. But a lot of inspiration comes from nature and spirituality. I love trees, flowers and fungi. I also love tarot and witches (we have a history of witches in our family) so that plays a big part too.

a pair of brown and white earrings in the shape of a naked female body, laid on some cloth
Goddess earrings by Megsmakes95

If you can choose, which is your favourite product you’ve made to date?

My favourite to date has got to be any of my goddess earrings! I love Venus and Aphrodite, they are my translucent green female bodies with tiny flowers on! But it is a hard choice.

Heart-shaped earrings stamped with the words Fuck the Tories
Fuck the Tories earrings by Megsmakes95

Which is your bestselling design?

My bestselling design is definitely the fuck the Tories earrings! A bonus of buying these from us is that 15% goes to fareshare to help families in poverty 

How do you find managing your own business?

It can be stressful at times. It was particularly stressful when I was in my last job as a chef. I ended up doing around 50 hours per week and then trying to run this business as well completely wiped me out. Now I’m in a new job I love and have much more time to focus on this business. Luckily I’m in a position where I don’t need to have a full time job anymore which means I’m not getting burnt out as I was previously, and I am much more relaxed. I find that I’m managing both the business and my mental health much better than ever before. 

What does the future look like for Megsmakes95?

We have some markets coming up this year and a pop up event, so I’m excited for these! I’m aiming to release a full collection once a month, with each item unique in its own way. I’m hoping to have a steady amount of sales per month by 2023. My goal this year was to hit 250 sales on Etsy and that is completed now! So the short term goal has changed to 350 now 

You can support Megan and Megsmakes95 by shopping her store on Etsy and follow her on Instagram. Use code KAY10 for 10% off your new favourite jewellery piece!

Sharing is caring:
Contains affiliate links. Photos by Megan Johnson.

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