33 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
Still none!
Up and down. I’ve started taking naps throughout the day without the worry of it impacting getting to sleep at night. If I have a bad night sleep, or no sleep, by taking no naps in the day, then what harm will an actual nap do! I had a day off on Friday and had the best 1 hour sleep after listening to the Freya app I purchased from The Positive Birthing Company. It’s £2.49 and will be where I record my contractions, but it has meditation and positive affirmation readings also, and it’s incredibly relaxing – that’s what got me to sleep!
Best moment this week?
Decorating the house for Christmas for the last time as just the two of us before our little girl arrives. It’s sad in a way, just because I’ve always loved Christmas just the two of us in our home, but I’m so excited for next Christmas when the memories of Christmas as a child will all come flooding back and we get to do everything we used to do, but for little bean: leave Santa and Rudolph treats, making a big deal of putting the star on top of the tree, meeting Santa, advent calendars etc. I just can’t wait!
I took this section out a while ago given the baby is clearly moving a lot at this stage, but I’m bringing it back this week because the movements are SO strong now. Her foot is getting stuck under my ribs which is super uncomfortable, some of the kicks start to hurt now she’s clearly ran out of room, and I finally managed to get a video of her moving to share with family. Now they can see just how active she is in there, especially at night when I’m attempting to sleep.
Food cravings?
No particular cravings, but I am constantly eating now. If I go an hour without food, I start to feel dizzy from hunger so I’ve always got a Graze Cherry Bakewell Oat Boost* in my bag ready. On my day off on Friday I spent the morning doing some shopping in Boots and TKMaxx for bits and bobs, and I could feel myself getting weaker, so had to sit in the car and drink a Rose Lemonade* (my favourite) and one of my oat boosts. That soon got me back on track.
Fatigue still. Although sleep has been better than last week and I’ve been able to rest more now my husband’s better so he can take on more of the cooking and cleaning again, I’m still exhausted.
Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) – this is so painful when it’s triggered. Simply sitting up from lying down, turning over in bed, or standing (even when done slowly) triggers lots of discomfort and pain in my pelvic bone. Once the pain has stopped, it just feels like one constant bruise down below. I’m fortunately able to continue my normal activities like walking and prenatal yoga, but it is limiting how long I can do this for, and I feel like I’m paying for it a couple hours later.
Wedding rings on or off?
Mostly good, but I’m starting to think more about once the baby is here now which has got me overthinking sometimes. My main worry is feeding. I’m choosing to formula feed for various reasons, but I’ve started having lots of ‘advice’ (feels more like opinions) thrown at me as to why I should consider breastfeeding, and the information being thrown my way has scared me in all honesty. This has left me overthinking how I’ve chosen to feed my baby once she’s here, and genuinely makes me worried whether I’m making the right choice. I’ve always believed, and still do, that a fed baby is a happy and healthy baby; how they’re fed should play no part in that, nor should pass judgement on the parents. But regardless of that, I still think about it a lot, and likely will until I’m actually feeding.
Looking forward to?
I have my 34 week antenatal appointment on Thursday, so I’m looking forward to seeing where she’s at on the growth chart and hearing her heartbeat again – I feel HUGE and have definitely popped a lot since my last appointment, so curious if the growth will show as a spike or on track – hopefully the latter. I also ordered the Hypnobirthing Pack from The Positive Birth Company during their Black Friday sale which arrived yesterday, so I’m looking forward to getting stuck into that to expand on my existing hypnobirthing knowledge with that (despite me saying I wouldn’t do a course).
*affiliate links.