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27 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Diary

27 weeks pregnant + 6 days

Stretch marks?

Nope. I’ve continued using my favourite Almond Milk Body Butter which has been helping keep my skin hydrated, so that coupled with no rapid weight gain I think is a match made in heaven!


Same as last week, it’s on and off. I haven’t struggled as much to get to sleep, but come 4am I am up for the bathroom, she’s then kicking (oh yeah, we’re having a girl as I missed the Week 20 update to share that news!), and I’m back to being uncomfortable for the remainder of the morning. 

Best moment this week?

I guess just feeling her movements come on stronger as each day passes!

Miss anything?

Still the comfort and a good night’s sleep.


Last week the movements had become so strong, but this week they’re even stronger – I didn’t think it was possible. But her movements now drag out for longer windows, then bigger breaks in between. That doesn’t worry me, as when she does move again she’s so active, but when that active window is between 4am – 7am, it’s not 100% welcome.

Food cravings?

Since the flapjack chaos last week, I’ve not had anything.


Tiredness and pelvis/hip/back/rib ache continues, but I’ve now started suffering from dizziness. I don’t believe I’m anaemic, but I do have a blood test on Friday after my Anti-D injection to double-check – I believe that’s standard at 28 weeks. But just every now and then I feel a little woozy so I make sure I’m moving regularly as I sit down a lot for my job.

Belly button in or out?

It’s edged further out, but still remains in…just about.

Wedding rings on or off?

On – this is something I test daily, pulling my rings off and on to see how easy they are to remove. I guess I’m paranoid of swelling so this is one easy way of testing my fingers at least.


Good. I’ve noticed drops in my mood here and there, but tiredness and aching will do that to you.

Looking forward to?

My first growth measurement on Thursday and officially entering the third trimester tomorrow. Feels like another big milestone to have a new appointment and to enter a new trimester, albeit this is the last stretch in pregnancy now and it’s flying by!

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