14 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
Nope, but I am actively moisturising my pregnant belly daily now as my bump is definitely coming on strong and firming up, so feels like a good time to start prepping my skin ready for more stretching.
It’s up and down, but the heatwave this week has definitely not helped!
Best moment this week?
Just a standard week really, nothing stands out.
Miss anything?
Being able to sleep in any position I wish. I feel so panicked when I wake up to find I’ve rolled either on to my back or right side.
Another episode of this bubbling sensation, it’s such an odd sensation!
Food cravings?
Again, not a craving but something I’ve just been loving – strawberry jam. I’ve had it daily on a toasted bagel. I genuinely look forward to my lunch now as I know I’m going to enjoy this – is that classed as a craving?
Anything make you queasy or sick?
Not anymore.
Just more hip ache and now backache, which I’m putting down to feeling so uncomfortable when trying to sleep.
Belly button in or out?
In, but I can tell it’s starting to push out as I have a scar from an old belly piercing which is now visible on my stomach and not inside my belly button!
Wedding rings on or off?
Still feeling great.
Maternity clothes?
I finally ordered some maternity jeans. My issue is I need both the tall and maternity range combined, but luckily New Look has me covered.
Looking forward to?
Our private scan on Friday 🙂
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