13 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
I’m fine getting to sleep now with the help of hugging a pillow and listening to Sleep Stories on the Calm app, but I’m waking up at 3.30am on the dot every morning now desperate for the toilet. However, I’m stubborn when it comes to my sleep and refuse to get out of bed so have a good 30 minute battle with my own bladder before caving.
Best moment this week?
Finally having our dating scan! We were measuring ahead of what the apps were saying so this means the timing of these weekly posts will be slightly different to align with it. It was so nice to see sticky bean looking like an actual baby and to have that reassurance that everything is okay. It also meant we were able to finally announce the news to those who we hadn’t yet told.
Miss anything?
Just a good night’s sleep in all fairness.
On Sunday I felt a lot of bubbling. I did some searching and found out it could be quickening, so I’m holding on to that!
Food cravings?
I’m honestly not sure what I can call a craving or not as there’s still not been anything where I feel like I must have it and then become obsessed with it. Instead, I’ve found a new love for bagels: toasted with butter, as a sandwich, toasted with jam etc. No matter what it’s with, I just like my bagels.
Anything make you queasy or sick?
Not anymore.
Just tiredness, but no other symptoms at this stage. Throughout the day I can definitely tell my energy levels are returning back to normal and I feel like I’m starting to benefit from that ‘pregnancy glow’ now.
Belly button in or out?
Wedding rings on or off?
Feeling great 24/7 now!
Maternity clothes?
Nope, but I definitely need to start looking into maternity underwear and jeans asap as I’m really starting to struggle.
Looking forward to?
We have a private scan booked for 29th July! After seeing all the movement in the dating scan, baby flipping onto their stomach etc. I really want us to get a recording of it. So I’ve found a private clinic that offers video recordings.