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12 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Diary

12 weeks pregnant + 6 days

Stretch marks?



I’m starting to struggle now, but I think that’s down to being quite anxious for our dating scan on Friday – we’ve had to wait an extra nine days for reassurance, so sleep is definitely not going to happen before then!

Best moment this week?

Finally testing negative for Covid and feeling more like myself again!

Miss anything?

Sleep and my energy.


Not at this stage.

Food cravings?

Not that I can think of. I’m back on my Weetabix every morning without fail, but I would say that’s more just me trying to ensure I’m having a healthy breakfast.

Anything make you queasy or sick?

Not anymore – can I finally say morning sickness is behind me?!


Exhaustion which really is down to recovering from Covid and lack of sleep due to worry over our upcoming scan. But my hip pain/ache I had from week 4 has returned, so I’m now trying to improve my posture and walk more to see if this helps.

Belly button in or out?


Wedding rings on or off?



Up and down this week. I’m down in general as each day feels like it’s taking twice as long to pass, but great because I’m no longer feeling ill.

Maternity clothes?


Looking forward to?

Our bloody dating scan – Friday cannot come fast enough!

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