With Pancake Day on the horizon, these mini pancake stacks layered with Nutella and topped with strawberries and blueberries are the perfect treat. I had so much fun making these using my trusty crepe maker my little sister bought me years ago. Inspired by these mini pancake stacks on Pinterest.

These were so simple to make.
200g self-raising flour
1.5 tsp baking powder
1 tbsp golden caster sugar
2 eggs
25g butter, melted
175ml milk
25g chocolate spread
Strawberries and blueberries (or fruit of your choice)
Cocktail sticks
Icing sugar, optional
- Mix all dry ingredients together to combine
- Pour in the butter, eggs and milk and whisk until a smooth batter is formed
- Scoop 1 tablespoon of pancake batter onto your crepe maker or frying pan and wait for bubbles to form. If the colour is quite pale, keep checking in 20 second intervals to be sure they don’t burn
- Once bubbles have started to appear, flip the pancakes over and leave for another minute.
- Once cooked, place on a plate and leave to cool fully.
- Once cooled, layer your chocolate spread in between three mini pancakes like below. Place your chosen fruit on top and pierce with a cocktail stick to keep everything in place.
- Lastly, dust with a light layer of icing sugar to finish them off. Enjoy!
Check out my other bakes here.