Home » My Pregnancy Diary » 32 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Diary

32 Weeks Pregnant | Pregnancy Diary

32 weeks pregnant + 6 days

Stretch marks?

Still none!


Terrible still. I had a couple mornings where I was up from 3am just sat downstairs either scrolling through Instagram, doing some crosswords, eating a very early breakfast, or just trying to fall asleep on the sofa to no avail.

Best moment this week?

My husband is recovering from the flu – he fell ill last Monday and has been off work since his first day back today. He’s one of those people who rarely falls ill, and definitely doesn’t take time off work if he does, so to be wiped out like he was, was horrible. But to finally have him back to his normal self, albeit a little weaker whilst he still recovers, is amazing as I’ve struggled this week with doing all the cooking, cleaning and taking care of him whilst heavily pregnant

Food cravings?

I’ve been wanting a curry for a couple nights, but I’m not sure if that’s because my husband would normally jump at the chance of an Indian yet he doesn’t have the stomach for it at the moment. 


Fatigue – obviously lack of sleep plays a huge part with this, but I can definitely tell my body doesn’t have the energy it had in the second trimester now.

Back pain – being on my feet a lot to do all the cooking and cleaning for us both this week has taken its toll on my back. I’ve now brought a dining chair into the lounge as my chair to prevent me slouching to help improve back posture (but also to help the baby get in the best position). I think the fact we’ve not been able to go for walks this week has probably not done me any good either.

Wedding rings on or off?



Mixed – I’m starting to have down days, but I’m hoping this is just an off week due to lack of sleep and looking after my husband. 

Looking forward to?

Still looking forward to finishing work to be honest. It’s getting tougher as each week goes by, but hopefully after this week with Cyber Monday activity and launching Christmas being over (yay for working in ecommerce), it’ll start to slow down and I can focus on handing work over to my maternity cover. 

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