16 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
Nope, but the scar from my old belly button piercing is starting to stretch outwards…
Up and down again this week. I’m wearing my husband’s pyjama shorts and proper maternity underwear and it’s made all the difference, but once I wake up at whatever O’clock, I’m up for a couple hours – this morning it was 2am – 5am.
Best moment this week?
We ordered the mural we’ll be having on one wall in the nursery and have picked out which rocking chair and baby monitor we want – exciting planning it all! I’ve also published a post about planning our dream nursery, so check that out too.
Miss anything?
This week has been kinder to me, so nothing I can think of.
I think I felt something this afternoon. I was sitting on the sofa and it felt like something was churning in my stomach, but not in a “oh no I have a bad gut” kind of way, more like “is that baby turning around?”.
Food cravings?
No “I must have this” foods or drinks, but I’m getting more of a sweet tooth which I was hoping to avoid, as I don’t want too much sugar! But I took a trip to Sainsbury’s today and bought some Tony’s Chocolate (never tried it before today and can confirm it’s delicious), as well as some The Natural Confectionery Co. Jelly Snakes and Free From Fellows Midget Gems – I’ve tried to opt for the healthier type of sweets which have far less sugar (except for the chocolate) and try my best to stick to the serving amount – not the easiest when you’re a peckish pregnant woman!
Anything make you queasy or sick?
Not anymore.
The usual tiredness remains, and I’ve started getting headaches the last couple days. I always ensure I’m drinking enough, but I think the heatwave we’re getting in the UK this week is what’s bringing it on – it’s too warm!
Belly button in or out?
Still in, but I can see it’s close to sitting flush with my stomach.
Wedding rings on or off?
Overall I’ve felt great, but there have been moments where I’ve been in a “I can’t be arsed” kind of mood, then an hour later I’m running around the house doing loads of laundry or deep cleaning the home office from top to bottom.
Maternity clothes?
I ordered another pair of the same maternity jeans from Week 14. I’ve then spent a lot this week on endless dresses, jumpsuits and playsuits to try and only three outfits made the cut. I refuse to buy maternity anything (other than knickers and jeans) and instead I’m focusing on dresses or tops with elasticated waistbands to make room for the growing bump – I like these type of clothes anyway, so they’ll suit me fine post-pregnancy too.
Looking forward to?
Our 16 week midwife appointment tomorrow, even though I’ll technically be 17 weeks by then. I really hope we get to listen to the heartbeat. I’m also counting down the days for the gender scan in just over three weeks!