15 weeks pregnant + 6 days
Stretch marks?
None yet, but still moisturising daily to ensure my skin is hydrated. I know there’s nothing I can do to prevent them, but the least I can do is look after my skin.
Worst week of sleep yet. I just can’t get comfortable, none of my pyjamas or underwear fit now. I feel like everything is digging into me, and my skin feels itchy at night.
Best moment this week?
We had our private scan on Friday and it’s so nice being able to watch the video recording of the scan over and over. It’s also nice to share with family to enjoy too.
Miss anything?
I know I sound like a broken record, but a comfortable night’s sleep is what I miss right now.
None this week, was hoping to have more of this bubbling sensation.
Food cravings?
Just more jam bagels, and also lots of grapes, but nothing that I’m craving as such.
Anything make you queasy or sick?
Not anymore.
I’m back to getting hungry quickly again like I was very early in my pregnancy. I now ring my husband at 6pm on the dot daily to say, “I’m hungry, when are you home?” and he knows it’s time to pack up and leave work asap haha.
Belly button in or out?
Still in.
Wedding rings on or off?
Still feeling great.
Maternity clothes?
I’ve now ordered maternity underwear – I can’t believe how expensive they are! Fortunately I was able to buy a pack of 5 from Asda for £10, but some places wanted £15 for 3 or even £10 per knicker!
Looking forward to?
Our 16 week midwife appointment on 10th August. I’ve found out we apparently get to listen to baby’s heartbeat during that appointment, so that’s another new and exciting step!